Build a community that's truly your own
Comradery is a customizable platform that’s built from the ground up to help you and your community thrive. Focus on building your community, not the software behind it.
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Engagement and Real Discussion
Communities work best with different levels of engagement. Members should be able to jump in for a quick chat, participate in longer discussions, and stay updated effortlessly. With lively chat, threaded posts, and weekly email digests, Comradery keeps your members engaged - in whatever way they prefer.
Your Brand
This is your community, and it should feel like it. Fully customize the look and feel, use your own domain, and have full access to all your data through our API. Sync users and automatically log them in to create a seamless experience. Automate community workflows using thousands of integrations through Zapier.
Built for Communities
Comradery is built from the ground up with communities in mind.

Safety First - Create a safe and trusted space for your community with our advanced moderation, permissions, blocking, and reporting tools.

Focused on People - Communities are fundamentally made up of people. Let them get to know each other with beautiful profile pages and member directory.

Online and Offline - Build a thriving community IRL with our built-in events calendar.
Engage your community.